During this term, we have been working on our continents and we have discovered different artistic representations. We have developed our creativity using different techniques and materials. We have tried to learn how to be patient, to think before doing, to work in cooperative groups, respecting others’ decisions, as well as thinking individually and critically.
Arts and crafts is without any doubt an active learning in an enjoyable and motivating way. Moreover, it effectively stimulates students’ creativity and develops their knowledge and skills through carefully guided activities. We have been enjoying a lot as you can see in these videos.
We are such good artists!!
Durante este trimestre, hemos estado trabajando sobre nuestros continentes y hemos descubierto diferentes representaciones artísticas. Hemos desarrollado nuestra creatividad utilizando diferentes técnicas y materiales. Hemos intentado aprender cómo ser pacientes, pensar antes de hacer, trabajar de manera cooperativa, respetar las decisiones de los demás, así como pensar de manera individual y crítica.
Arts and crafts es, si lugar a dudas, un aprendizaje activo y motivador. Además estimula la creatividad de los alumnos, y desarrolla el conocimiento y las habilidades a través de actividades guiadas cuidadosamente. Hemos disfrutado mucho, como podéis ver en este video.
¡Somos artistas!